Services Start At 10 am Every Sunday

Services Start At 10 am Every Sunday

+1 (401) 769-2773

We make a living by what we get, but a life by what we give.

Church News2023-05-04T11:22:08-04:00

Church News

Church activities are a great way to stay connected and build relationships. From bible studies to activities for all ages, there’s no shortage of things to do these days that can provide meaningful experiences. Whether you’re interested in one-time activities or regular gatherings such as Sunday services, church announcements are an excellent way to keep up with the latest Slatersville Congregational Church news. Don’t be afraid to check out different activities or dig deeper into existing ones. You may be surprised by what you find when you take the time to explore it!

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.

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