” I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.” Matthew 25:35
The North Smithfield Food Pantry, housed in the Slatersville Congregational Church’s basement, helps to feed about sixty families per month. It is open to North Smithfield residents and members of our congregation. Hours of operation are the last two Tuesday evenings of each month from 5 to 7 and the last two Saturday mornings of each month from 10 to 11.
Our Food Rescue Program helps to feed hundreds each week. This program began when grocery chains, large and small retailers, and area farmers started donating more of their excess produce, meats, cereals, breads, and baked goods than our Food Pantry could use. We started sharing the extras with other food pantries and soup kitchens in the area.
We host an event, for Rise Against Hunger, where members of the congregation prepare packaged meals for people in a needy area. Our Missions Committee and Congregation provide holiday meal baskets for local families each year.
On Superbowl Sunday our youth group make delicious grinders to sell to the congregation. Congregants either take them home or donate them to local shelters. Over 100 grinders are donated each year.
We provide a monthly dinner to those who stay at a local Men’s Shelter from November to March each year.