Church News
Church activities are a great way to stay connected and build relationships. From bible studies to activities for all ages, there’s no shortage of things to do these days that can provide meaningful experiences. Whether you’re interested in one-time activities or regular gatherings such as Sunday services, church announcements are an excellent way to keep up with the latest Slatersville Congregational Church news. Don’t be afraid to check out different activities or dig deeper into existing ones. You may be surprised by what you find when you take the time to explore it!
Join the Fun in Sunday School!
Sunday school may seem a bit old school in today's hyper-connected world, but don't be fooled! Taking part is still
Confirmation Class Continues
Our Confirmation class continues to meet twice a month as we enter into conversations about faith and how we live
Celebrate our new Committee Members and Deacon on Sunday, Feb. 12th
Make a plan to join us for the Worship Service on Sunday, February 12th, when we dedicate our new Committee...
Superbowl Grinders
Don’t forget to order your **Super Bowl Grinders** if you have not already done so. They are $10 each and...
Join the Fun in Sunday School!
Our Sunday school classes are in full swing. We have a superintendent team and a dozen teaching volunteers. We welcome...
Confirmation Class News
Our Confirmation Class continues to meet regularly. We’re exploring the Bible and our Christian faith – both the history and...