Message from the Financial Secretary

Published On: December 10th, 2024

by Jean Meo

Many thanks to all who have pledged. We appreciate your support. If you have not yet pledged, it is not too late to do so! Everyone who has pledged has a specific number in our
computer system. If you would like to know your number, please ask!

If you requested a box of Pledge Envelopes for a weekly pledge or if you use envelopes provided in the pews, please write your name and/or your number on your envelopes as
you use them so that your pledge will be properly credited to your account. This is especially important if you use cash. If you remit your pledge on a monthly basis, there are
packets of 12 envelopes available if that would be helpful to you. Please see me.

If your money is to go towards the balance of your 2024 pledge during the month of January, please indicate 2024 either on the memo line of your check or on your pledge
envelope so the correct year will be credited.

If the amount you are giving is different from your weekly or monthly pledge, please note on your check or envelope where you wish the money to go (either Operations and/or
Missions) and how much you want to put in either category. Otherwise I am guessing at your intentions!

Thank you for your attention to the above. Your help is greatly appreciated!