missions moment

Missions Moment – October 2024

Published On: October 8th, 2024

by Teri Deboise

At our September meeting, the Missions Committee voted to donate $500 to New Beginnings, Inc. The Boston Sunday Globe, in the August 11 issue, ran an article focusing on the difficulties low-income individuals and families in Woonsocket have in obtaining food for themselves and their families. With only one grocery store within the city, and many lacking transportation to the store or money to purchase food, many residents are facing food insecurity and hunger. One in five residents in Woonsocket live in poverty.

New Beginnings is one of the social service agencies in Woonsocket trying to help feed those who are in need in Woonsocket and the surrounding communities. Operating out of St. James Episcopal Church on Hamlet Avenue, New Beginnings provides a hot, healthy lunch Monday through Thursday, serving 84 to 145 meals each day. For many, this is the only meal they will have all day. About 75% of those who come to New Beginnings for meals are homeless, or unhoused. We hope to find other ways to partner with New Beginnings in the future.

The Missions Committee is also preparing for our Blessing Bags Ministry. Please see the article within this month’s On-The-Common with details for our packaging date during Coffee Hour on October 20, 2024. We hope to see you there!