by Martha Hunt

We are excited to introduce our new Music Director, Manoel Ropiario, Jr. – but please call him Ropi (pronounced Hopi). Ropi is from Brazil and has been living in the United States for 7 years. Prior to moving to the US, Ropi served in the Military Police in Brazil. While in this position, along with his other responsibilities he was the conductor of the orchestra. Ropi plays many instruments including piano, guitar and drums. He speaks Portuguese, English and Spanish and is currently an elementary public school teacher in Worcester, MA.

We asked Ropi some questions, and he provided these answers:

Q: Could you tell us about your family?
A: I am married to Sthefania. She is a photographer. I have 1 son, Alexander (he likes to be called Xander) who is 2½ and baby Emily who is expected in October.

Q: How did you end up in a music career? Were there any experiences in your youth that led you there?
A: Since I was 2 years old, I used to get some lids and put a nail on them to spin like a vinyl record while I sang some songs. Everything in my life pushed me to the way I am today. Teaching and music were always together in my journey.

Q: why?
A: What is your favorite instrument to play, and My voice, because I can bring it everywhere I go.

Q: What is your favorite hymn, and why?
A: Total Praise is my first one, and First Love is my original favorite one. Both songs are the truth that I really feel when I sing.

Q: What do you like most about directing music in church?
A: I believe music is way more sharp than any other weapon. God allowed me to use my voice and instruments to touch souls and transform lives. When people are searching for transformation, they go first to the church. Can you imagine how special I feel when God connects this person to me? When I have the opportunity to do something with my gifts, talents, my voice… It is something inexplicable.

Q: What is your favorite Brazilian food?
A: Brazil has a huge cuisine, but my main one is “Moqueca de Bacalhau” which is salted cod fish with coconut milk and palm oil sauce. You can listen Ropi’s music on his YouTube page

With Pastor Sean leading worship supported by Ropi as Music Director and Jill Boday as Hand Bell Choir Director, we have a lot to look forward to at SCC. Senior Choir rehearsals return Thursday, September 5th at 7:30pm!