by Alison Pierce

The Missions Committee thanks all of you for contributing to the success of our Community Missions Saturday on September 30th. Your generosity in donating supplies allowed the volunteers
to quickly assemble 91 Blessing Bags that will be distributed to the homeless in the coming months. After the bags were packed, a group of twelve headed to Woonsocket to participate in the annual ShelterWalk organized by Community Care Alliance. It was a meaningful day for all that participated.

This month your Missions donations are supporting Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island. Dorcas International, based in Providence, has been empowering immigrants, refugees, and
the underserved to thrive, succeed, and build self-sufficient and sustainable lives in our Rhode Island community for more than 100 years. Our gift of $500 will support their growing services, such as education, help with resettlement, language development, navigating the path toward citizenship and immigration, and interpretation needs. Their integrated support system allows Dorcas International to meet people where they are and help and empower those in need to live the life they dreamed of in America. Thank you so much for your continuing Missions support.