by Alison Pierce

In response to the devastating news of earthquakes across Morocco’s mountainous region, the Missions Committee decided to donate $500 to World Central Kitchen. The WCK’s Relief Team was on the ground within hours, using helicopters and 4X4 vehicles to pinpoint hard-hit communities in need of relief. They are providing sandwiches, fruit, and water to offer immediate support and will coordinate with their team in Spain to bring food trucks and kitchen equipment to Morocco so they can begin cooking fresh meals for those in desperate need.

The Missions Committee so enjoyed helping the church create Blessing Bags for the homeless in our community on September 30th during Slatersville Congregational Church’s Community Missions Saturday. Our goal was to create 50-75 bags and want to thank all of you for your kind donations that made this Missions project possible. Any needed items to complete the Blessing Bags were funded by the Missions Fund, which is made possible by all of you and your continuing generosity.