Spotlight: Prayer at SCC

by Ruth Mills

We are often called the church that prays. Strangers used to stop our former pastor as she walked her dog, asking if she was the pastor of that church that prays. Then they would give her a personal request so we could all pray for them.

We’re still at it. Every Sunday during our morning worship service we have a time called Joys and Concerns. People share requests, answers to prayer, and moments of joy in their lives.To keep it a time of prayer, we collectively say “Oh Lord, hear us we pray,” after each request or joy is made known.You may not be aware, but there is usually someone in the church taking notes so that these requests can be posted on the Prayer Chain. Please be sure to speak clearly and loudly so the note taker can hear you.

The Prayer Chain is an email with a blind copy list that is sent out whenever requests come in. As noted above, the requests made during our services are included.

During the week, if a need arises, people can email their requests to [email protected] and it will be forwarded to everyone on that copy list. If you would like to be added to the copy list so that you can receive these emails, please send your email address to [email protected]. When you receive a prayer request from the Prayer Chain, please take a moment or many moments to pray for the person making the request.

Note: the blind copy list consists of over a 100 friends and members of our church. It does not go out to the general public. Still, if you are making a request for a friend, please make sure they are okay with it.

We also have a Prayer Shawl Ministry. Our Needles and Pins group knits and crochets blankets. You can see them at the front of the church near the door to Globe Hall.

If you know of someone who would be comforted knowing that we are praying for them, consider giving them a prayer shawl to remind them. Select the one you like best, log it in the notebook there, and have our pastor and fellow congregants pray over it. Then deliver it to the person needing it.

One more thing: we have a Zoom Prayer Group that meets every Wednesday at 8:30 AM. It was started during the Covid shutdown as a way to stay connected to each other and God. While it is a small group, we are quite devoted to this weekly meeting. Part of the beauty of it is that people who have moved away join us too. If you would like to be part of this, please contact the church office with your email address. We will send you the link. Hope to hear from you.

Remember, God listens and God cares. Whisper your prayers in the morning, at noon, and in the evening, and join the church that prays.