
Fundraising News

Published On: September 1st, 2023

The North Smithfield Annual Great Pumpkin Festival, the town-wide fundraiser for all civic groups held at the North Smithfield High School field, is fast-approaching on Saturday, September 16th. We need people to help work at our booths on that day any time between 11 AM and 5 PM, and most importantly,
people to help make our famous apple dumplings on Friday, September 15th, at the Church.

Sign-up sheets will be available in Globe Hall or speak to Bob Meo (769-9617). We will once again be selling pizza slices as well as our famous apple dumplings and ice cream sundaes!

Opportunities to help:

Great Pumpkin Festival, Saturday, September 16th (anytime between 11 AM–5 PM)
Apple Dumpling Gang, Friday, September 15th (10 AM – NOONish)
Looking forward to: Trivia Night #3. Coming soon! Watch for date and details!

Thanks to all for your continuing support! Your involvement contributes to the success of our fundraising efforts!