confirmation class

Confirmation Class Continues

Published On: March 8th, 2023

Our Confirmation class continues to meet twice a month as we enter into conversations about faith and how we live out our faith as followers of Jesus Christ. On Super Bowl Sunday in February, our Confirmands enjoyed helping to make the Super Bowl Grinders before worship. If you want to make a lot of grinders very quickly, enlist the help of our Confirmands! Together with other church volunteers, they made 134 grinders – many of which were donated to local shelters as we shared the love of Christ with others in our community.

As we move forward into the Spring and toward Confirmation Sunday in May, the Confirmands will be working more closely with the leadership team of Jill Boday and Bob Meo. With my contract extension ending on March 20th, the Confirmation meeting on Sunday, March 19th will be my last with this Confirmation class. I have enjoyed getting to know these amazing young people and the conversations we have had over the past six months.

This is an energetic and optimistic group of youth who will continue to shine their light of Christ into the world. I hope you have had the opportunity to get to know them a little better this year, and that you will be able to join them on Confirmation Sunday as they take their steps into church membership.

Rev. Linda